Fallout 3 Fix For Windows 10

Supermeatpie: I own fallout 3 on steam but it does not work on windows 10 Does the GOG version of fallout 3 work on windows 10 out of the box?Thanks It did for me with one move - had to set compatibility mode to XP SP3 (as suggested on Bethesda net) and worked perfect. I cannot say if whole game works,but I have no reasons to expect otherwise. I was off to play the game 1 minute after installation.

How to Play Fallout 3 on Windows 10. Make a right click on it and from the context menu select Properties. Here in the properties window click on Local Files tab and then click on Browse local files. This will open the Fallout 3 installation folder. Scroll down until you find Fallout Launcher. Make a right click on it and from the context menu selection select Properties.

Fallout 3 Not Working Windows 10

Fallout 3 Fix For Windows 10

Fallout 3 Fix For Windows 10 Windows 10

If not less.I had no problems playing 2 hours of it or so. I closed it down myself. Will try another two and see how goes.Edit; After i went wild on mods, and used tools for that, had to revert the compatibility modes (didn't affect launching game from NMM, but did cause crash from launching from desktop)However it does not change the point i tried to make at start of my post that game works and runs. I do not know why I had to use compatibility mode at start and revert later, but I, for one, do not regret buying this beauty again!