Windows 7 Allow Hybrid Sleep

Go to your Power settings and click on Change when computer sleeps. Now at the next window, click the option change advance power settings, It should open the settings window. Navigate to the option Sleep, under that set the option to OFF, which says allow hybrid sleep. Apply and it should bring the hibernate option back to your start menu.

Putting a computer into a low power mode while not in use can save energy, reduce noise (if you have a particularly loud device), and help increase the longevity of components. There are several different ways that a computer can enter a low power state, and while Macs automatically manage power options by default, Windows gives users control over which method to use. Here’s a look at each power saving option. SleepSleep turns off most computer components except for RAM. Active data is kept in RAM as a computer is used, but RAM is, meaning that it cannot maintain data without power. This compares to hard drives and solid state drives, which are non-volatile and do not require constant power.

Windows 7 Enable Hybrid Sleep

In other words, if a user has a file open that has not been saved to a hard drive and exists only in RAM, that file will be lost if the computer loses power. Conversely, a file saved to a hard drive will not be lost in the event of a power failure.Because sleep keeps active data stored in RAM, this means that as long as power from the battery or wall remains available, the computer can remain in a sleep state indefinitely while protecting user data that was active at the time of sleep. If power is lost at any time, however, data that was stored only in RAM will be lost.Considering this risk, the benefit of sleep is that it allows a user to resume their computer almost instantly, as all the data is still in RAM and only power to the display and other components needs to be restored. As a result, sleep is primarily beneficial for desktop PC users, who have a relatively unlimited source of power from the wall.Laptop users can also use sleep, but they risk losing their unsaved data if the battery runs out.

Some laptop manufacturers have compensated for this risk by configuring the system to automatically enter hibernation mode (discussed next) if the battery nears empty. HibernateUnlike sleep, which keeps active data stored in RAM, hibernate writes all active data to the hard drive and then powers off the components as if the computer were fully turned off. Hibernation uses almost no power but takes longer to start back up because data must be read from the hard drive back into RAM before the system will be usable. Depending on the amount of data in active RAM and the speed of the hard drive, this process can take as little as a few seconds all the way up to a minute or more.The advantage over simply shutting down the computer and restarting, however, is that a user’s data is restored to the point at which they entered hibernation, allowing the user to pick up where they left off. As mentioned above, hibernation uses almost no energy and is therefore recommended for laptops as well as for energy-conscious desktop users. Just be prepared to wait a bit to resume working after deciding to wake up a hibernating system. Hybrid SleepIntroduced in 2007 as part of, hybrid sleep attempts to merge the benefits of both standard sleep and hibernation.

When enabled, hybrid sleep writes active data to the hard drive (like hibernation), but also maintains low levels of power to RAM (like standard sleep). This allows a user to wake the computer quickly, but also protects user data with a copy on the hard drive in the event of a power failure.Hybrid sleep is generally a feature available only on desktops (you may find it in some custom laptops using desktop-class components), and is enabled by going to Control Panel Power Options Edit Plan Settings Change Advanced Power Settings Sleep Allow Hybrid Sleep. Once enabled, activating standard sleep will automatically trigger hybrid sleep and a copy of data in RAM will be written to the local hard drive. Choosing Your MethodYou’ll choose your low power method from the Power Menu in Windows.


Standard sleep and hibernate will both be listed depending on your PC’s configuration. If you don’t see one of the options, go to Control Panel Power Options Choose What the Power Buttons Do and check the “Hibernate” or “Sleep” boxes under “Shutdown Settings.”If you want to use hybrid sleep, follow the steps listed in the hybrid sleep section of this article to enable it and then select “Sleep” from the Windows power menu.Regardless of which option you choose, always be sure to save your data before leaving the computer. Even though options like hibernate and hybrid sleep will write your unsaved data to the hard drive, errors can still occur and the few seconds it takes to manually save data pale in comparison to the cost and time of data recovery. You are defeating the purpose of hibernation by closing all programs. The intention of sleep/hibernate is that you can quickly put the computer in a low power state while you still have all your programs still open and running, and later wake it up and return to normal state so that you continue working from where you left off, without having to open your programs and documents again (because they were already open before hibernation). If you close all your programs, you might as well just shut down the computer!Also hibernate is OK to do everyday (sleep is better), but I suggest restarting every week.

As time passes, your current Windows session gets stale and bloated, especially if there are memory leaks. A restart will refresh the system with a new & fresh Windows session.

RECOMMENDED:In Windows XP enabling Hibernate option was a very easy task. One could navigate to Control Panel, Power Options and then Hibernate tab to enable or disable Hibernation feature.

But in Windows 7, we have to follow a different approach to do the same job. What is Hibernation feature in Windows?If you are not aware of Hibernate feature, Hibernation is a power-saving state designed primarily for laptops. While sleep puts your work and settings in memory and draws a small amount of power, hibernation puts your open documents and programs on your hard disk and then turns off your computer. Of all the power-saving states in Windows, hibernation uses the least amount of power.

Windows 10 Hybrid Sleep

On a laptop, use hibernation when you know that you won’t use your laptop for an extended period and won’t have an opportunity to charge the battery during that time.Enable or disable hibernation in Windows 7So if you are really going to use this feature then you need to enable it by doing a simple procedure as mentioned below. Step 1: Open Command Prompt with Administrator rights. To open Command Prompt, type CMD in Start menu and then hit Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open the Command Prompt with Admin rights.Step 2: Next, type the below command and hit enter:powercfg /hibernate onStep 3: Type exit and hit enter to close the Command Prompt.Step 4: If you can’t see the Hibernate option in Start menu then continue with the following tasks:A. Type Power Options in Start menu and hit enter.B. In the left pane, open the link labeled “ Change when the computer sleeps” and then open the link “ Change advanced power settings”.C. Under the Advanced Sleep options, expand the Sleep tree and turn off Hybrid Sleep.D. Now go back to Start menu to see the new Hibernate entry.


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