Civilization 6 Save Editor

Read our for getting started in Firaxis' new 4X game, and check out our list of the.We're still waiting on word from Firaxis about, but all the loose Lua and XML files hanging out in Civilization 6's directories already give us the opportunity to do some good tweaking. Mostly thanks to the eagle eyes of, here are a few ways to customize Civ 6 to your liking and get it running better. (Also read our if you haven't already—we like it a lot.)Fix slow loading or freezingAs always, update your video drivers if you haven't recently. But if you've done all the standard troubleshooting and just getting to the Civ 6 main menu is still a long process, or it hangs on the way there, Windows Defender may be causing your grief. It definitely was for me: before I added an exception, loading the menu took ages and it would hang if I alt-tabbed.To create a Windows Defender exception in Windows 10, open your PC's settings from the Start Menu. Click on 'Update & Security' and then select 'Windows Defender' in the side menu.

  1. Civ 6 Save Game Editor

PC Trainers and Editors. STATUS: STATUS: ACTIVE. Trainers are still being considered and updated for this title as patches are released. There is no guarantee that a trainer can be made or updated but it will be reviewed by our staff. Civilization 6 Trainer 362541 (DX11+DX12) RISE AND FALL.

  • Civilization VI has had a strong launch, but there’s been one thing holding it back lately: Steam Workshop support didn’t ship alongside the game in October, which means the modding scene hasn.
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Select 'Add an Exclusion' and choose to exclude a folder. Select the whole Civilization 6 install folder—if it's installed to the default Steam directory, that'll be: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonSid Meier's Civilization VI.And that's it. If Windows Defender was your problem, the main menu should now load much faster and it ought to be a little more forgiving about alt-tabbing. If that doesn't work, Reddit user. Disable the startup logosIt's easy to disable the main intro video—it's in the options menu, under 'Application'—but also getting rid of the logo splash screens is slightly trickier. The trick comes, which is a very specific account to have, but a very useful one to us.Navigate to BasePlatformsWindowsMovies in the Civilization 6 install directory—see the fix above if you don't know where to look, or right click on the game in your Steam library, then select Properties Local Files Browse Local Files.

Unfortunately, just deleting logos.bk2 will cause Civ 6 to hang while loading. Instead, we have to replace it with a blank video.Rename logos.bk2 to something else, and then either make a copy of WipeRight.bik and rename it logos.bk2 to replace the logos with a brief pattern, or (even better) download and use it instead. Use WASD to control the cameraReddit user Xacius has. First, unbind W and A in the settings so you don't accidentally attack when you mean to move the camera. Now navigate to Civ 6's UI directory (Your Install DirectoryBaseAssetsUI) and open the file WorldInput.lua with a text editor (WordPad works fine). Search for ' DefaultKeyDownHandler' to find the function we want to edit. You'll see four if/then statements which handle input from the arrow keys: Keys.VKUP, Keys.VKRIGHT, Keys.VKDOWN, Keys.VKLEFT.

To add WASD control, we just need to tell it to also check if the WASD keys are pressed.Here's how the 'if' statements should look when you've edited them:if( uiKey Keys.VKUP or uiKey Keys.W ) thenif( uiKey Keys.VKRIGHT or uiKey Keys.D ) thenif( uiKey Keys.VKDOWN or uiKey Keys.S ) thenif( uiKey Keys.VKLEFT or uiKey Keys.A ) thenNow find the ' DefaultKeyUpHandler' function and make the same change, save the file and try it out. For more on how to muck with the controls, check out.Increase scroll speedThis is.

Open WorldInput.lua (in the folder BaseAssetsUI) and search for the variable local PANSPEED. The line should look like this:local PANSPEED:number = 1;Just change the number to 2 to get around the map faster. Change font sizesSettings for fonts and their sizes are stored in Civ6FontStylesEFIGS.xml, which you'll find in BaseAssetsUIFonts. Open the file with a text editor to start mucking with it, but save a backup first.

I haphazardly set all the fonts to size 24 or higher and the result wasn't exactly attractive, as expected.Turn off unit cyclingUnit cycling—which automatically swaps focus to the next available unit—drives me pretty nuts in wartime, so I was happy to see.The option to turn off unit cycling did make it into the options file, but apparently not into the actual menu. The file you're looking for is UserOptions.txt, which you should be able to find in DocumentsMy GamesSid Meier's Civilization VI. Find the line that reads ' AutoUnitCycle 1', change the 1 to a 0, and save. Enable team multiplayerAs Andy has, there is in Civilization 6, even if Firaxis isn't ready to enable it officially. A 2K rep told us that this is 'not a feature supported' by Civ 6, and recommends backing up any files you mod.Team multiplayer is easy to flip on, though. Find the file StagingRoom.lua in your Civilization 6 install directory (it'll be in BaseAssetsUIFrontEndMultiplayer) and open it in a text editor.

Search for the line ' playerEntry.TeamPullDown:SetHide(true);' and change its value to false. Note that 'playerEntry.TeamPullDown:SetHide' appears other places in the file, but only one is set to true by default, so be sure to find that one.

There's a note above it that reads 'IMPORTANT: DISABLING TEAM PULLDOWNS UNTIL DAY 0 PATCH' if you aren't sure. We're our own Day 0 patch!

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Civilization 6 Save Editor

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Civ 6 Save Game Editor

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How would Big Brother fare against Eurasia and Eastasia? How would the peoples of Middle-earth respond to this - Sauron, Saruman, and half a dozen more? Could New Vegas withstand Caesar's Legion, could the NCR defeat the Enclave? Would Tommy Vercetti conquer San Andreas? What is Bob Page of the Illuminati up to?

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What are Handsome Jack's plans with Hyperion? What about Atlas? Can Rayman prevail against Mr Dark and Razorbeard?This, and more, in.Can the Immortals of Persia take on the whole wide world? Can that mighty realm, born from the wombs of the Farsi River, nurtured by Cyrus, aided be heroes such as the legendary Xerxes, can that glorious empire bestride the world like a colossus, a Titan, a God, and claim the title of?​.


Click to expand.It's actually quite a bit different. Piece-parts of code could be lifted from one to the other, but nearly everything requires intensive review of the code to find and make the changes to the new method and function names, even with search/seek/find tools to look through the original files for the function or method-names that need updating.The larger problem is that what worked in Civ5 for either a UI environment or a gameplay environment even when it has identical function-names and usages does not in civ6 work in both UI environment and gameplay environment. Attempting UI code in gameplay simply causes runtime errors. Attempting gameplay code in UI environments usually seems to lock the game as soon as the human opens the UI panel or makes the in-game action that would normally open the UI panel.Nor does the civ5 lua file-contents 'include' system work in civ6. Which means that for multiple files that were copying in the contents of a toolkit file in civ5, these entire toolkit file contents would have to manually be copied into each file that needs it for civ6, or else make use of Gedemon's somewhat complex system.And this still will arrive at an lua interface that cannot directly communicate with gameplay state, which it needs to do in order to implement certain if not most effects of an InGame Editor like DonQuiche's IGE was.