Autoexec Py Enable All Addons

Hello,Yesterday I updated windows 10 and was forced to update Vray blender and Vray standalone because they ceased to work after the update. OK, Blender keeps on just crashing with no error messages when I try to enable PIE menus addon, so I started blender from Command line and here are screens of what appears when I open user prefs window and when I click to enable PIE Menus addon. The 2nd photo is just when blender starts, the first one is when I open User prefs window (a new line appears:'fakemodule: addon missing 'blinfo' gives bad performance!: 'C:UsersJeronimoAppDataRoamingBlender FoundationBlender2.79scriptsaddonsmifth. Py')and the third one is when it crashes and the following shows up:'pyrnasrnaExternalType: incorrect subclassing of SRNA 'AddonPreferences'See Error: Unrecognized Exception'I hope this can help. Managed to reproduce the error message when I try to enable the Official UI PIE Menu addon. It's the same as when I try to enable the other 3rd party addons that won't work since VRay Blender went up to 2.79. If it has to do with not having unique class names in the script, why would it affect the Official UI PIE Menu addon (since it's official and should therefore have the registered class name for the addon)?

A user might run many add-ons, so it is encouraged to try to stick to Bash scripts if you're doing simple things. All our Images have also bashio installed. It contains a set of commonly used operations and can be used to be included in add-ons to reduce code duplication across add-ons and therefore making it easier to develop and maintain add-ons.

Anyway, what ever the reason, I hope it gets fixed soon. The error message itself says it's a bug so. Days have gone by and several different nightly installs and I am having the same problems.Today I tried eliminating my User/AppData/Roaming/BlenderFoundation/Blender/2.79 and,besides losing all my startup settings ofc, I was able to separately enable those addons that were making blender crash, but when I try to enable them all together with all the addons I intend to use, Blender crashes when I enable one or another. Sometimes it crashed when I enabled PIE Menu, other times it crashed when I enabled the VRay Blender addon, other times it crashed when I enable another addon.depending more or less on what I had enabled previously.

Autoexec Py Enable All Addons For Mac


It's just some addons make the others crash blender. This was not happening in the normal Blender 2.79, I was able to enable them all together, it only happens to me with the VRay Blender branch.So I ended up more or less as I was before and I am currently using the best possible compromise, but it would be great to have some answer about this from a developer and know why I can use all my addons in normal 2.79 and why not in VRay Blender branch, or if there is some solution or it is being worked on.Thanks in advance.

Please, write the exact list of addons that do not work for you.Hi bdancer! I would love to but there is no exact list, because it changes all the time, if I can explain:If I just enable one of them alone and leave the rest at default, each addon (separately) works, but then if I go enabling more addons, then at some point it crashes and it is not always the same addon that makes the crash. I tried several combinations and also starting to enable from the top of the list downwards, or from the bottom of the list upwards and each time a different addon makes blender crash when I enable it.In this way, sometimes it seemed like the culprit was i.e. Magic UV addon, but other times it looked like it was the Official PIE menu addon, other times it even happened when I enabled the vb35 addon. I don't know which exactly is guilty of making the others not work.So currently what I am doing is not enableing PIE menu addon, nor magic UV, nor some addons I had like mira tools, milfth tools and some others, but I could also do a combination in which these are ok but then I cannot enable others.

Autoexec Py Error

Yes, I know, it sounds crazy but this is what I spent 3 hours yesterday trying out.I am attaching what I have in my C.UserAppDataRoamingBlenderFoundationBlender 2.79 hoping it may helpYou will see that I have no User prefs file since when I saved user prefs it seemed to be worse, so I have only the last Startup file I have reverted to and it seems that the addons I have enabled was stored there since it always loads the theme, hotkeys, addons, etc, that were active when I saved the Startup file. If you want me to start again and save a User Prefs file so you can look at it let me know.Sorry for the mess.

Autoexec Py Enable All Addons Download

Reposted: This is a problem with command prompt or not well understanding knowledge of command prompt. Please do not post an answer if it does not involve informing why this is happening.