Can't Edit Single Portal Row Filemaker

With Filemaker 16, I think I have finally figured out an easy way to display subsummaries in a portal using the new text function. In other words, summary groups and totals of a child table displayed on the parent table Body part. But I could use a sanity check. (Disclaimer: I'm not a developer and I support one Filemaker database for my wife's small business.)The techniques I've found on the web involve complicated scripts, developer tables, Global variables, 'custom lists' and other hackery that I can't seem to wrap my brain around. My technique involves just using fields with simple unstored calculations and Summary fields, and ultimately UniqueValues to grab the unique lines from a List for display in a single row portal. There are no complicated relationships or scripts required. And a copy of the.Have I stumbled into something that will scale? Eu4 how to release nations in america.

This works great in my tiny demo, but I'm wondering if it might hit the wall with a lot of records. Constructive feedback is appreciated.edit. There's a mistake in the screenshots. The keys are text fields, not numbers, as autoenter serial was giving me problems and I switched to UUIDS.

Hi everyone,Let me explain my situation. I have table PRODUCTS where I have simple edit box where I'm collecting feedbacks from client until client likes a product. Every feedback starts with header informations like date, feedback from, product name etc. I made a script which creates for me header+feedback text and joins it with older feedbacks and finaly put all this in editbox named feedback history. It is good for fast editing but not as good for record manipulation as it is in single record.Sometimes I need to find out all comments given at specific day and current concept doesn't allow it.


Ideally I would love to have 1 table FEEDBACKS with all feedbacks given for all products and second table PRODUCTS with all product we are working on. Portal would be great but one feedback can be just 'OK' and other very long sentence so my question is, is it possible to workaround fixed portal row height and have different portal row heights?

I want to keep rows as smallest as possible make them all big is not desirable.Thank youAles. Yes, I did say iPhone 5 -I have a small database i created that has a few portals on different layouts - Everything works fine on my Mac, fine on my iPhone X, even fine on my iPad miniHowever, I need it to also work on an old iPhone 5 and the portal data is just blank - nothing. In fact, I really ONLY need it to work on this old iPhone 5 (This particular database will go to a music festival to be used by several other people and I can't give them my iPhone)I have another layout with different portals that are working on the iPhone 5 - but not this main screen.I have made sure that all of my fields are small and inside the portal. So, I am stuck as to why? BTW - It is Filemaker Go (The latest version that I can install on an iPhone 5). Hi everyone,on a file accessed via filemaker Go 17, I am using a scripted navigation to move records up and down in a portal that is inside a popover.This has worked in filemaker 12 like a charm and also works on a filemaker client. Hi,I have a drop down in a portal, how do i filter the drop down box to only display the record relating the record in focus on the active layout where the portal is inserted?example: I have a customer selected in my customer layout, the customer has several products related to that customer.

Can't Edit Single Portal Row Filemaker Free

If the button with the script attached is IN the portal row; and if the script-step is Delete Portal Row and not Delete Record/Request then it should delete only the one child record unless, in the relationship, you have it set to 'Delete Related Records in this table when a record is deleted in the other table' and it is set on the Parent side (see relational dialog at the bottom). My technique involves just using fields with simple unstored calculations and Summary fields, and ultimately UniqueValues to grab the unique lines from a List for display in a single row portal. There are no complicated relationships or scripts required. Screenshots are here and a copy of the demo db here. Enabling ODBC data source single sign-on (Windows only). Go to Portal Row. Go to Previous Field. Go to Record/Request/Page. Go to Related Record Editing script steps. FileMaker Pro features not compatible with previous versions.


Can't Edit Single Portal Row Filemaker Download

When I click on the drop down list in the portal, I only want to see the products for that specific customer. The drop down is in the warranty portal, products are saved in the product table with a reference to the customer.Please could you assist?. Hii have 3 Tables Property, Units, Tenant.Each property has many units, Each unit has one tenant active but may have many inactive tenants from previous years.All working fine BUT.i would need to show a table in the property layout of the units and each one only with its active tenant.The portal is based on the units table.However the tenant just show up the tenant that was first input to the unit.My question is, how could i get that only the active tenant should show to the unit?i would really appreciate it someone could guide me on this.