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The series is rated 18+ and this chapter will have serious sex scene inside. It is very descriptive and if you have a weak heart please don’t read it.Zombie master chapter 2Takumi slowly opened his eyes.He recalls his memory.

He jumped when he remember the situation before he lose his consciousness.He remember bitten by Yumi. The pain of having his meat torn away is still lingering.“I can’t move my body!”He tried to get up but the whole body feels heavy. As if his body is pinned down by heavy metal.“Is this even real?”After comfirming his situation, he realized he just encountered something that look like coming from a cheap zombie movie.The walking police officer, the man who was run over by a car stand up and walks.

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Of course they should be dead with those serious injury but somehow they are stikk moving.He recall the zombie man start to attack others just like in zombie movies and games.He know what has hit the mankind is the zombie apocalypse.“I know if someone was attacked by the zombie they will become one of them. And the one that also got attacked, is me?”“But I still have my consciousness. I didn’t lose my mind like brainless man eating zombie.”“No, what was I thinking. The zombie incident is real and I was infected but the symptoms will appear later on.”He knows from playing zombie games and watched movies, some people may get infected by the zombie virus later on not immediatelly based on their immune system.“More importantly, how long have I been fainted?”He can’t move his body to see the clock but from the brightness of the sun it must still be in the afternoon. He may only passed out for a few minutes.“Wait.

Is that Yumi?”Seeing the culprit that just bitten him, Takumi tried to move his body but he couldn’t.Seeing Yumi come nearer, he is on alert. Who won’t when seeing someone that just eat you?“Why can’t I move my body?”He tried to gather his strength but couldn’t. It must be because of the virus that started to enter his body is started to infect him.“Thud!”With a dull voice, he tried to move which resulting his body fall down to the floor. He feel he just hurt his neck in the process.“Darn.


Someone, help me!He asked for help but soon he stopped. He remember just how he tried to save himself by buying food and water without caring of what will happened to others.Maybe if he rest a little bit more, he can move his body.But this is not the time for that. A footstep could be heard approaching him. Before he realized it, Yumi is already infront of him.

She is still naked and looked down at Takumi.He brought back to the cruek reality when he saw those burning red eyes. It wasn’t a humans.“AAAAAAH!”He screamed and even pissed himself.“God please save me.”He is praying but is it heaven that going to answer or hell?Yumi lifted his body in a so called princess carry style.“Oh no.

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This is if you can't see any servers or if you have all of your steam games on a different driver and not x86. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE source SDK base 2077!!! In the tools menu on Steam Move the new. As Zm2 is likely dead my next recommendation is Zombie Master Reborn. It's not on steam but I will add the link if you want to check it out (I have no clue if the game is being played or not). Price Comparison with the BEST 1 Zombie Master 2 Server Hosting providers. Admin Panel, DDOS, Server Location, Slot Cap, Reviews and Coupons.

If I’m not a zombie, the reason she bring me here Is it to eat me.?”He is now placed on top of a bed.“At least you should kill me before you eat me. Did you want to torture me? To be eaten alive.”He closed his eyes to accept his fate and could feel Yumi is undressing him.“It’s natural if you want to eat a human you will strip them naked right?”When Yumi lowered his trousers and pants, he still get embarased.

His privates has been exposed in front of a girl.He close his eyes again waiting for his fate.He is now a served food on top of the bed.“Aaah!”Takumi screamed not because of pain but surprised. His male genital is wrapped by coldness that is coming from Yumi’s hand.Even in this situation it slowly stand up.“slurp”In a blink of an eye, his lower member is already licated inside Yumi small mouth.Wet sound echoed in the bright room but it didn’t come from the shower that has been leaved on.“What is happening?”This is not the first time Takumi encountered a sexual experience.

He sometimes visited a brothel but, for Yumi to suddenly gives him a blowjob. It’s abnormal and beyond his understanding.Yumi’s pupil still glowing red as usual and looking at that scene could make anyone goes mad. The pleasure comes from abnormal condition and what’s more it’s cold.“I know that she’s not human.

Her hands, her mouth, it’s cold.”But the sensual feeling is still real. Getting a service from a beautiful young lady, his rationality has been driven out by lust.“This wave of pleasure. If it’s a dream, I hope I never wake up.”The wet sound echoed in the room.Yumi remained expressionless and moving monotonous but the feeling of his member going out and in, makes Takumi leaked out a voice of pleasure each time.Yumi continued and Takumi’s member is covered by cold saliva all over.It is now completely awake and stood proud pointing to the sky.Yumi slowly stood up and located herself on top of Takumi.With a slow movement, Takumi member headed towards Yumi’s private parts. Yumi lowered her lips and Takumi’s already located at her entrance.From the tip Takumi can feel the wetness coming from her love juices but it’s also cold.


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He saw the slimy and glistening opening. Now their privates are ready.Yumi lowered her hips and.“It’s tight!”From Yumi privates, a faint red blood flows down.“Is she a virgin?”Yumi forcefully pushed her hip down and swallowed all of Takumi’s.This is a virgin first time experiencing sex. Takumi feel his member is gripped harder and showered by cold love juices.

Experiencing a virgin also the first time for Takumi.Their body touched each other and Takumi feel the coldness coming from Yumi. If only it was warm and normal, he will lost himself to the pleasure.“This is bad.”Yumi start to move and every time it goes in and out, a wet and sensual sound resounded in the room.Yumi erected breast sway in an up and down motion together with her body. Seeing the feast in front of his eyes. The well shaped breast, pale pink nipples that is stood out and darker areola, fill Takumi’s mind with lust.If only he could move his body he will reach his end real close.After a few minutes Yumi movement is not so stiff. Her body has getting used to it. It smoothly enters and get out.She is still expressionless but her body trembles and a small cute voice comes out.“aahn.


Oh”She is panting and moaning. Her expression didn’t change but her movement has become more aggressive.Each time Takumi member reach the deepest part of her, she will let out a stimulating voice.How can Takumi resist? Even if it’s cold, the feeling of the tight and wet virgin girl. Bouncung breast and soft moan. He is now on the edge.“ah.

I’m coming!”The waves of white stuff flow out and entered Yumi deepest part. Yumi body also trembles and releasing her own liquid.“Plop’With a loud popping sound, Yumi lifted her hips and stand still as if nothing happened.Takumi realizing all of that and his sticky member feel uncomfortable.“If only I could move my body to clean.”It was just a casuak remarks but the effect is unimaginable.Yumi began to stick her tongue out and licking Takumi’s member like eating an ice cream. Slowly and carefully without even missing an inch. Yumi body is pale white but her lips is still pink enough to arouse him.Sinking into another wave of pleasure, Takumi is going to lose his consciousness soon.“If only you clean your self, wear cute clothes normally after all of that, it would be perfect.”If only Yumi is “normal” it was a perfect sexual experiences indeed.“I don’t know what happened but I don’t want to go out.”And with that, he succumbed into another sleep. Download prototype 2 repack.