Watu Gong Semarang Makalgh

Watu gong semarang makalgh 3Watu gong semarang makalgh 2Makalgh

Place is pretty far if you stayed at the city center like me. But this place is a must go item in your checklist if you ever visited Semarang. The pagoda and it's. PENGEMBANGAN KAWASAN VIHARA BUDDHAGAYA WATUGONG SEBAGAI OBJEK WISATA DI KOTA SEMARANG. Pohon Boddhi dan Batu gong. Makalah ini juga turut memberi tumpuan kepada konsep dan kepentingan.

Watu Gong Semarang Makalgh Live

Semarang, Central Java, was the first monastery established in Indonesia since the collapse of Majapahit and the destruction of the Buddha-Dhamma as well as the disappearance of Buddhist community in the archipelago.Starting from the arrival of Venerable Naradha Mahathera of Sri Lanka in around 1930 AD, which became the first Buddhist missionaries after 500 years of post-Majapahit. Historically, this Watugong Buddhagaya monastery was officially founded in 1957.In this monastery planted '-Bodhi Tree' The tree is 'credited' to the-Buddha reached enlightenment at the time, and the plant is Bhante Naradha Mahathera.In this monastery planted 'Bodhi Tree' The tree is 'credited' to the-Buddha reached enlightenment at the time, and the plant is Bhante Naradha Mahathera.Long ago, this monastery was not as big and as grand as it is today.

Watu Gong Semarang Makalgh 1

Buddhagaya monastery which today is the result of cooperation Buddhist community, mainly supported by the generous, benevolent donors-donors who, with sincere intentions for the development of the Buddha-Dhamma, renovate monasteries become a very large temple, beautiful, magnificent.