Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Tentang Hukum Newton Gaya Gravitasi

' A healthy mind in a healthy body'. That is the motto ofevery athlete in the world.

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Tempat aneka macam kumpulan soal-soal, soal ulangan harian, ulangan umum. adalah website tempat berbagi soal-soal mata pelajaran dari. Bila Anda tidak menemukan materi soal yang hendak Anda buat, silahkan. Materi: Gaya dan Energi. Materi: Hukum Newton Tentang Gerak dan Gravitasi.

People can be happy only if they are healthy.There are several important things we must do in order to stay healthy.First, we must get enough regular physical exercise. Second, we must live ina clean house. Third, we must have enough time to rest. Rest is an importantphysical exercise. And fourth, we must eat adequate quantities of nutritiousfood.Good food is very important for keepingour body healthy.

Food which contains a lot of nutriments is always good forour body. Nutriments are used by our body for energy, growth and for buildingnew body tissues.

Nutriments are of five important groups: proteins,carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins. Our body needs proteins for itsgrowth. Therefore, proteins are the most important nutriments for youngpeople. Proteins also rebuild worn-out body tissues.

We can acquire proteinsfrom meat chicken, peas, beans, coconuts, eggs and milk.Carbohydrates are as important asproteins, because they are the main source of energy. The body needs energyto do its work. Carbohydrates are found in flour, bread, cakes, rice,potatoes, cassava, corn, sugar and sweets.Fats are another important source ofenergy. We can find fats in butter, margarine, milk, coconut-milk, eggs,fish, meat and ice-cream. However, too much fat can make our body at and thisis dangerous for our heart. It can cause heart attacks.Mineral salts such as calcium,magnesium, phosphorus, and iron are also absolutely necessary for our body.For instance, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are necessary for the growthof our bones and teeth. Iron is important for our blood.Vitamins are important for our health.The body cannot make is own vitamins, so it depends on our food for these.

Wemust eat food which contains a lot of vitamins, such as vegetables and fruit.They help the body to absorb other nutrients in food. Vitamins control ourdigestion. A force of attraction exists between every body in the universe. It is calledgravity and it has been investigated by many scientist including Galileo andNewton. Gravitational force depends on the masses of the bodies involved.Normally it is very small, but when one of the bodies is a planet, like theearth, the force is considerable. Everything on or near the surface of theearth is attracted by the mass of the earth. The greater the mass the greateris the earth's force of attraction on it.Because of gravity, bodies have weight.We can perceive weight only when a body resists gravity.

For example, when wepick up a stone there are two forces involved. One is the lifting force weexert, and the other is the force of gravity which attracts the stonedownwards and this gives it weight. When a body escapes from the influence ofthe earth's gravitational pull, it can become 'weightless'. For example, thecentrifugal force of a spacecraft spinning in orbit round the earth cancelsthe effect of gravity. The crew therefore experience weightlessness. One ofthe minor disadvantages of weightlessness is that normal pen will not write,because the ink is not attracted by gravity to flow out of the pen.If the space crew land on the surface ofthe moon, they experience the much weaker for be of gravity exerted by themoon. On the moon they weightless than on earth.

Special training isnecessary to help them to walk on the moon's surface.To simplify engineering calculations, itis assumed that gravity is the same every where on the earth's surface, andthat every kilogram of mass the earth exerts a force of 9,81 Newtons on abody. In fact gravity differs slightly from place to place because of theshape of the earth. It is greatest at the poles where the earth is flattest,and least at the equator.

Oil, like coal and natural gas, is a fossil fuel fossils are made from theremains of dead plants and animals. It is thought that oil comes from tinyplants and animals whose bodies fell in their millions to the seabed whenthey died.

There they were covered by sands and muds, which later hardenedinto rocks. In the course of millions of years, the plant and animal materialunderwent chemical change and eventually turned into oil.Oil deposits lie hidden deep beneath thesurface of the earth.

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Tentang Hukum Newton Gaya Gravitasi 2

They have to be searched for. Unless the soil actuallycomes to the surface, it is impossible to be certain that any is present.The rising demand for oil products keepsthe oil companies busy exploring new oil fields, and drilling new wells.Exploration teams are sent to distant regions to search for oil. If theexploration shows good results, the company decides to drill a well. This theexploration phase ends, and the production phase begins.At the beginning of the productionphase, gas pressure from below causes the crude oil to gush to the surfacewith great force. After some time, however, the gas pressure is less, and apumping-station must be built to bring up the oil. Wells continue to produceoil for several years, until production becomes so low that they must beabandoned.Crude oil has to be transported to arefinery to be made into the many products that are useful to man, such aspetrol, kerosene, diesel oil, lubricants, asphalt Further processing givesaviation fuel, greases, fertilizers, insecticides, man-made fibers and manyother things.The oil industry has a very complex andwidespread distribution system.

Ocean tankers, pipelines, rail tankers, androad tankers are used to bring the oil products to sea-port, inland depots,can and drum factories, and to tens of thousand of petrol stations in citiesand along motorways.More than any other, the oil industryinfluences the lives of men and women everywhere. From the largest to thesimplest home, whose need may only be kerosene for its lamps and stoves,there is daily need for large quantities of the various oil products. Every day both industrial and domestic chimneys emit vast amount of dirt andharmful gases. The exhaust fumes from thousands of car engines add to thishuge volume of filth.Sulphur dioxide, produced mainly by theburning of coal and oil, combines with the moisture of the air to formsulphuric acid.


This eats away stone, brick and even metal. Doctors reasonthat if it can do this, it must damage the lungs of people who breathe it,especially over a period of many years.Usually the effect of air pollution arenot instantly noticeable. Occasionally though, there have been catastrophic ‘smogs’(The word smog is a combination of smoke and fog). One of these occurred inthe town of Donora, Pennsylvania, in the U.S.A. They valley in which the townlies traps the some and fumes from the steel-works and chemical plants thatfill it.

One day in October 1948, unusual weather conditions prevented thesmog from lifting by the afternoon, as it normally did. Instead, it hung overthe town for three days. By the end of the third day, nearly 8000 people wereill.


More than 80 percent of those aged 85 and over seriously ill, 20 peopledied. At last a heavy rain shower dared the smog.One of the chief causes of air pollutionin many cities in the internal combustion engine. Cars, lorries, and busesgive out the gas called carbon monoxide, which in high concentrations cankill a person in a confined space. Cars also throw into the air fineparticles of rubber and asphalt from their tires and the road, and particlesof asbestos from their brake-linings. These can cause damage to the lungswhen breathed in.Another source of pollution is thenuclear power stations which produce a great amount of poisonous radio-activewaste. This waste must be sealed up and buried beneath the ground or seabedso carefully that there is no danger of leakage.

Some scientists are veryworried that we are not being careful enough with nuclear waste. It may notall be buried safely. Also, they fear there may be a serious accident at anuclear power station, releasing deadly radiation into the air. There is reason for the deepest concern about the plight of wild life in ourcountry. Many rare species are threatened with extinction because of thegreed of hunters and game collectors.

Orangutans are rarely found in theirnatural habitat in the forest of Kalimantan and Sumatera, but one may findthem in zoos and private menageries all over the world. Ruthless hunters killinnocent elephants for their valuable ivory tusks, or catch them alive toperform in circuses. Tiger's hides decorate walls and floors of rich people'shome in distant countries. It things are allowed to continue in this way, itis feared that very soon all wild disappear from our forests. Fortunately,the government has now imposed strict laws on hunting. Some areas aredesigned wildlife reserves where hunters cannot enter. These includeUjungkulon and Pangandaran in West Java, Merubetiri in East Java, and manymore in the other island.Sometime ago our newspapers containedreports elephants which had run amok in the province of Lampung.

They hademerged from their abode in the forest and destroyed crops and housesbelonging to the villagers. The people could not understand why the beastshad suddenly gone wild. The strange thing was that animals had not come forfood, because having wrought destruction they returned to the forest. Theyseemed to have come only to vent their anger. As elephants are protected bylaw, the people could not kill any of them.The explanation for the elephantsstrange behavior is that they felt their quiet life had been disturbed by thetimber-felling projects and saw mills set up deep in the forest. The animalsfelt their domain was being narrowed by man, and so they got angry. Elephantsneed peace and quiet for their family life.

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They also need wide areas of landin which to roam. They live in herds, and each herd likes to have its wonterritory.Now the government has driven theelephants back into the forests, away from any village or lumber­mill.

Byshouting and shooting in the air the people drove the great beasts to a newabode in the district of Air Sugihan. It is hoped that they will feel at homethere, and can live in peace and quiet.