Mon Calamari Cruiser Model


Thinking of it as an MC42 Cruiser - it's 650M long and about 3M polys. Doesn't use any textures -all materials are procedural. I plan on releasing the model publically. The lens flares are using Optical Flares in AE, and the renders were done using the Scanline renderer in 3ds Max 2015. Beginning to end, it took about a month to make, all in an hour here or there every couple of days.Here's the model. It's in 3dsMax 2012 format (Built in 2015) and has no textures.

Star wars mon calamari cruiser

I've included the plugins I used (in 2015 format), and there are two versions - the finished ship, and the ship still in un-flattened stack construction version. This one has some boxes around the ship - if you select one of those, and set the Morpher modifier to 0%, it will unwrap the surface details flat, and you can see how I set everything up. It also contains all the greebles I made for this in easy to view and layout form.

1998-5-3  The Mon Calamari Cruiser Web Page I took a total of 16 pictures of the eight foot long Mon Calamari Cruiser model. This model is supposed to represents a ship that's about 3,940 feet long. Unlike the Star Destroyer model, the Mon Calamari Cruiser model didn't lend itself well to the heavy type of detailing that was applied to the Star Destroyer. The Mon Calamari Cruiser Web Page I took a total of 16 pictures of the eight foot long Mon Calamari Cruiser model. This model is supposed to represents a ship that's about 3,940 feet long. Unlike the Star Destroyer model, the Mon Calamari Cruiser model didn't lend itself well to the heavy type of detailing that was applied to the Star Destroyer.

I'd love to have any feedback you've got.(UPDATED DOWNLOAD LINKS!)Construction Version!Finished Version!Enjoy!

Mon Calamari Heavy Carrier

Mon calamari starships

Mon Calamari Cruiser Lego

The immediate successor to the Rebel Alliance Fleet's MC80, the MC90 star cruiser was the latest design to emerge from Dac's shipyards just after the fall of Grand Admiral Thrawn at the Battle of Bilbringi. As opposed to being converted from passenger liners and luxury cruisers like its predecessors, the MC90 line was engineered specifically for war: heavily-armored, bristling with anti-ship weaponry, and boasting larger, more powerful shield generators. It was also designed to operate with multi-species crews, with viewscreens and control system that could be optimized for non-Mon Calamari eyes, and climate-control that mitigated the high humidity of the previous vessels accustomed to its original designers.However, it wouldn't be until the return of a resurrected Emperor Palpatine, along with the evacuation and subsequent loss of Coruscant that the first MC90s would face off against their Imperial adversaries. Between the Battle of Pinnacle Base and onset of Operation Shadow Hand, these vessels would serve admirably, and often became the backbone of New Republic battlegroups or flagships of dedicated fleets. Wait, what's that? It's called the 'Mega-class Star Destroyer'? What kind of idiotic name is that?

Oh wait, that's the same designers who think that bigger means better and that one of the main appeals of SW is it's many WW2 references so they just had to include Flying Fortress scenes and naval ramming from the Helenistic period. Not to mention that Carriers must have as little weaponry as possible without having a massive amount of star fighters, 50 or so hangar bays going all throughout the ship, or that it's ridiculous to put more than a dozen main guns on a ship because WW2 battleships never had that many big guns. And the good guys must especially never have firepower behind them unless the thing is fragile and slow enough that it could be shot down by a siege Dreadnought's equally sad Point-Defense system. Unless Holdo was actually near sighted and lost her glasses on her old command, that's not much. Also, sacrificing a Battlecruiser for such a stunt if you could've just told an Astromech to fly one of the smaller ships into the Supremacy with 100% accuracy and what was left of the fuel in it, it would've been the same general result because Kinetic Force is Mass Times Acceleration.

Aka, anything going at the speed of light will be doing the same crap-ton of damage even if it's the Millenium Falcon doing it. And the biggest joke is that the entire reason for that stupid scene with the Star Fortress bombers was so that the movie could imitate WW2 and that the maker thought that Y-Wings weren't as iconic as A-Wing and X-Wing. Not for it being a bad ship, not because it's over 50 years old at that point even though someone could've made a new model by that point, not even because it's less armed. It's because they didn't like the efficient speed-to-attack-to-defense ratings of the Y-Wing because they could've made that scene a lot less costly by using missiles rather than literal bombs.