For Honor Raider Heroic Gear


Best Offensive Hero In For Honor: The best heroes can only be determined through a player’s playstyle, however, the hero known as the Raider is a favorite for any player who has an aggressive. Here’s how to get better gear in For Honor. When you begin to level up a hero, you’ll individually rank up and unlock new gear that has a variety of stats, such as stamina cost and revenge damage. Raider is a medium weight class in For Honor. A Raider is great at disabling foes with stuns and throws, as well as hitting as hard as a hammer.

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For Honor Raider Heroic Gear 2

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For Honor Raider Heroic Gear

Posts won't be removed if this is not done, It's just encouraged. Ubisoft Subreddits. Greetings!I was personally interested in seeing how the heroic gear looks for all the different characters, and decided to make this thread so we can get them all together!I'll update this as I find more screenshots of missing appearances, it would be very helpful if you comment, should you find any of the missing ones! If you have screenshots of any of the Heroic Quality gear not shown here, feel free to upload it to Imgur and send me a message and I'll add it to the list!Edit: Added Raider, Valkyrie & Warlord!Edit 2: Added Berserker & Kensei!Edit 3: Added Lawbringer! All Heroes found. Need more Valkyrie thoughEdit 4: Added some extra stuff for Warden, Peacekeeper and Shugoki!Edit 5: Found more Valkyrie!

Finally someone who agrees on my top tier choices. Ive been telling this sub shugoki is top tier and people think he is weak since he is 'fat and slow and predictable'. While whining about orochi being op and saying warden is super balanced in the middle(anti weeb circlejerk i guess)Ya i will be continuing to main kensei probably. I generally pick characters by style and i realky like the kensei and his gb mixups and midrange playstyle. Am currently branching out a bit to nobushi tho since she seems kinda higher tier. Also a bit of shugoki but i feel like playing him hurts my skill a bit if i get used to him too much.Im just afraid of putting a lot into kensei for him to turn out trash tier (happens way too often for me in fighting games i seem to be drawn to lowtier chars haha).