Ciomment Installer Urbackup Sur Centos

In this tutorial, we will show you on how to install Yarn on a CentOS 7 system from the Yarn RPM package repository. Before starting with the tutorial, make sure you are logged in as a user with sudo privileges. Installing Yarn on CentOS. To install Yarn on your CentOS 7 system, follow the steps below.

After./configureI run make command but I got this error how to fix it.

Urbackup force cleanup

The post is about how to install libxml2 and libxslt packages on CentOS 6.5. The method is applicable to Red Hat based distro.libxml2 is a software library for parsing XML documents. It is also the basis for the libxslt library which processes XSLT-1.0 stylesheets. (Reference: )libxslt is the XSLT C library developed for the GNOME project (Further Reading: ) Install EPEL RepoTo install the libxml2 and libxslt, first install the.rpm -ivh EPEL repo rpm package file will be installed.

Inside /etc/yum.repos.d directory two EPEL related repo file will be created. These are –. epel.repo. epel-testing.reporoot@localhost # ls -l /etc/yum.repos.d/total 24-rw-r-r-. 1 root root 1926 Nov 27 17:23 CentOS-Base.repo-rw-r-r-. 1 root root 638 Nov 27 17:23 CentOS-Debuginfo.repo-rw-r-r-. 1 root root 630 Nov 27 17:23 CentOS-Media.repo-rw-r-r-.

Comment Installer Urbackup Sur Centos 10

1 root root 3664 Nov 27 17:23 CentOS-Vault.repo-rw-r-r-. 1 root root 957 Nov 5 2012 epel.repo-rw-r-r-. 1 root root 1056 Nov 5 2012 epel-testing.reporoot@localhost #Install libxml2 libxsltNow use yum command to install libxml2 and libxslt packages.It is quite simple command.yum install libxml2 libxsltThe above command will install the libxml2 and libxslt package on Red Hat based Operating System.